Monday, January 11, 2010

The Crying Dream by Anya Lee

The Budding Writers competition was launched in September 2009. Numerous pupils from schools all over Singapore entered the competition to display their writing skills and creative talents. One of the winning entries was a book written by a Primary 5 pupil from Singapore Chinese Girls' Primary School. In her book entitled "A Crying Dream", she spoke of the current social issue - the large movement of foreign workers into Singapore. Her book was applauded for its originality and rich content. 

Let us read her book and learn the reason behind her writing inspirations. Click on the link below to access the e-book.
Password: Cry1ng
*Click "Play"

Based on the book, reflect on the following 3 questions. Use your journal exercise book for this entry.
1. Imagine you are a migrant worker who has just arrived in Singapore. Write a diary
of your first day in Singapore. Entry must be at least half an A4 page.
* Describe what you see: the buildings, people
* Describe what you did: sightseeing? Where?
* Describe your feelings

2. How do you like the ending of the story? Think of a different ending for the story. Entry must be at least half an A4 page.
* Which part of the ending will you change?
* How would you change it?
* Would you introduce new characters in your story?

Be creative! Wow your reader!


  1. alright i LOVE THE STORY very much it is touching

  2. Thats wonderful to hear that you love the story! Will find more for the class:)
